527th PSC Unit Trbute Program
The Historical Foundation of the new National Museum of the United States Army located at Fort Belvoir, VA has announced a Unit Tribute Plaque Program in which former members of a particular US Army unit can design and fund a plaque to honor their unit to be permanently displayed at the museum.
Since the Camp Granite site was originally started by three former 527th PSC soldiers, we thought it would be a great gesture to create one for the 527.
Here is the proposed design using the parameters set forth by the museum.
We are asking for donations.
The Unit Tributes will cost $5,000.
For those who served in the 527, please consider donating.
No amount is too small.
You can read about the progam by going to:
National Museum of the United States Army HIstorlcal Foundation Unit Tribute Page
You can contribute by going to:
Marc Leepson is managing the donation page.
Skip Nelson will do the design.
By making your contribution to the 527th Unit Tribute Plaque, you will be automatically entered into a lottery to receive one of twelve free, personally autographed, books by 527th veterans Skip Nelson and Marc Leepson.
Marc will donate five paperbacks each of two of his books on U.S. History:
Flag: An American Biography. As the best-selling novelist (and Vietnam War veteran) Nelson DeMille says in the book’s preface, Flag “is not a book with an agenda or a subjective point of view. It is an objective history of the American flag, well researched, well presented, easy to read and understand, and very informative and entertaining.”
Desperate Engagement is a history of the little-known but crucial July 8, 1864, Civil War Battle of Monocacy, which took place near Frederick Maryland. It’s known as “The Battle That Saved Washington, D.C.” because Union Gen. Lew Wallace held up a much larger force of Confederate troops under Gen. Jubal Early that was on its way to attack the nation’s capital, which was seriously underdefended. Early’s delay at Monocacy allowed Gen. U.S. Grant to bring veteran troops up from Richmond to defend the city, which they did when Early arrived on July 11. And the attack was repulsed.
Skip Nelson will donate two of his published book. (One soft cover, one hard cover.)
Vietnam: Another Look is a coffee table photo book containing beautiful full color personal photos from his many return visits that illustrate Vietnam today with commentary of his observations and references to Vietnam's history, culture and facts about the war and it's affects on the local population and their persepctive on the war and the future.
The lottery drawing will be done after the donations are complete.
"Vietnam: Another Look"
"Desperate Engagement"
Click on Plaque to download.