Our Brothers Killed In Action
If any of you have information on those killed in country
or who have passed recently,
please send it along so I can update the list.
Please include Name, Unit at Camp Granite, Years in Country,
Date, Cause of Death and Place of Departure
and any other info you deem necessary.
Our Fallen Comrades
CWO Homer B. Rackley of Dallas GA passed from natural causes at home. Homer was a WO 1 as the OIC of Officer's Records when we first arrived in Qui Nhon.
SSG Arlan Gates passed about a year ago per his widow, Carol. Arlie was NCOIC of Personnel Actions in 66 & 67. He retired and worked as a DA Civilian at Ft Campbell,KY until just before his passing. He helped people get their benefits.
SFC Bill Pittman (retried as a SGM) passed away from a heart attack in May of 2000. He lived in San Antonio and is buried in Falfuras, Texas. he had been the command Sergeant major at Ft Sam Houston. Bill made it to our first reunion and I had lunch with him in San Antonio just before he passed.
Sp5 Emile Levron was killed in an oil rig accident in early '68. he was a great guy and built most of the infrastructure in Camp Granite.
CWO Hal Parkinson was in command of the office service unit. He passed in the early 70's from cancer.
CWO Aaron Gillian passed but i am not sure when many years ago. He commanded the Personal Actions Section.
SP5 Jerry McDaniel was a late casualty of the war. He never could adjust back to civilian life and took his own life around '96. He was from Reform, AL, and had been company clerk in 66 & 67. I met him for breakfast a month or so before he passed.
Don Sudac, 66-67 cook, passed Oct 13 per his widow, Dawn.
Jim Murray, 66-67 OSU, passed in 2011 per his widow.
CW3 Ken Shaw, 66-67 OIC of Personnel Management, passed 10/12/09
Dave Bruhn, 67-68. 527th PSC. Passed in Spain. August 2021. Dave had been in poor health for a long time, but all who knew him will remember his perpetual smile and kindness.