This site was originally created on Memorial Day Weekend, 2000
to honor the Vets who served in the 527th PSC, Qui Nhon, Vietnam.
We started with three members in 2000. It has grown to 146 members.
Since that time, it has also grown to include many other units assigned to Camp Granite,
inlcuding the 593rd Support Group, 177th MP Detachment, 1st APO, 760th /176th Veterinary Detachment, 127th MP Company, 601st Water Purification Detachment, 71st Transport Co 8th CID, 18th MP Brigade, 300th Transportation Company.
Last updated on January 12, 2023*
(*Updated on September 20, 2009 and April 23, 2015,
directly from Red Beach in Quy Nhon)
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No unit was more critical to the buildup and support of
American forces in Vietnam
than the 1st Logistical Command.
Prior to 1965, the U.S. Army in Vietnam was supplied by the Army's Pacific Command through the small U.S. Army Support Group, Vietnam, which served under the 9th Logistical Command in
Okinawa. With the deployment of division-sized units, it quickly became apparent that the logistical effort required greater manpower and organization.
As a result, the 1st Logistical Command, which had first been activated during the Korean War, was deployed from Fort Hood, Texas, and arrived in Saigon on April 1, 1965.